Friendship or friends - we start using these words as soon as we start understanding things in our early ages. In play schools, friends are those people around us who shared their toffees or chocolates with us. As life moves on, meaning of these words changes. In our elementary schooling, the person writing our name as the Best Friend, in the paragraph or the essay on MY BEST FRIEND used to be our friend. We used to share our lunch box with that person. Then we enter in our Teen Ages. At that time, horizon of term friendship starts broadening. We start sharing our secrets. We become helping hands for each others. We start attending all family function of each other. After 10th class most of the small town students like me have to move to some other city for senior secondary education. That is the first time we feel alone, far from the family. We start making new friends, start depending on them N we get a new meaning of friendship. Sometimes even we think that our friends are the only persons in this world who care for us. Even some of us start considering them above our family too. Our Best Friends change from time to time. Till 10th it was some other person, after that in a new city somebody else becomes the Best. The person we used to meet daily even a number of times in a day, now we even talk very less. Now we spend aur time, share aur secrets, with somebody else. I met ROBIN in end December, 2003, when I was in 11th staying away from home in Chandigarh. Soon he became my Best friend. We were always seen together, shared every moment of our life. At that time we felt like KINGS and did all sort of masti and pangas we could do. We were partners in most of the mischief. I was able to rely upon him for anything. But now we don’t know much about each other. Don’t talk too much now. Why…. I don’t know. May be we are not that close now.(missing all those days :( )
But I never really understood the real meaning of “Friendship”. Is it just to enjoy with happiness? Or is it more of sharing the sorrows and the pain? Can anybody please help me out making me understand it? My opinion about this always got changed. A lot of things happened in my life that always confused me. The person I consider as my best buddy from my school days just got angry with me because he lost 500 rupees because of me(he says that it was because of me but I don’t think so). Why all these things happen? I don’t know the answer. I always wanted (n tried too) to give my Best to my friends, but I always failed, I don’t know why? Sometimes I am even so much confused that I thought that there is nothing like friendship n all that. It’s just the need that makes somebody our friend. But then again thinking about some of my best friends I just can’t find anything in me that made them my friends and again I m confused.
I have lost some of my best buddies and I m feeling that I am going to lose some more very soon.(but I don’t want that to happen)
I don’t blame or criticize any of my friends. I still consider my friends THE BEST.
sirji, y do u think frnds are just for use? whatever happened is because of time.. u dont spend much time now with those people whom u did in ur yeteryears.. that does not mean they are past... its just that sometimes we dont get time to relish those memories again and delve into the nostalgia..
anywz.. im always thr 4 u.. and since u have written here.. ill always be luking forward to get the BEST out of u :P
dont lose heart.. mere se buri haalat to teri nahi hogi.. keep enjoying and laughing like me...
friendship is not affected with passage of time ..true friends remain same forever but passing of time make the knot hazy n nebulous it depends on us how we clarify it
Realy if i tell you from my perspective, distance is never a reason for any kinda breakup. All ya need ter do is cherish every second that u 've spent with every person that u aquainted with and u'l never be lonely. I have seen umpteenth no of transfers. Altho i am not in touch with most of my best frens at every place, i still call them my fren :-). And when it comes to having a fight: they are the most important part of any relationship. All u need ter do is to be the first one to forget the figh and ego, apologize, and love them as always.
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